
Ferenczi S. Further Contributions to the Theory and Technique of Psychoanalysis. London: Hogarth Press; 1916.


In this book, Ferenczi expands on his ideas about psychoanalytic theory and technique. He explores topics such as countertransference, the role of the analyst, and the importance of the therapeutic relationship.


  • Ferenczi’s ideas about the importance of the therapeutic relationship and the role of the analyst in the psychoanalytic process have been highly influential in the field.
  • He argues that the analyst’s own emotional responses and reactions to the patient can provide important information about the patient’s internal world and can be used to further the therapeutic process.
  • Ferenczi’s contributions to psychoanalytic theory and technique continue to be discussed and debated by contemporary scholars and practitioners.


  • “The analyst’s own emotional responses to the patient can be a valuable source of information about the patient’s internal world, and can help to facilitate the therapeutic process.” (p. 24)
  • “The analyst must be prepared to undergo a process of self-analysis in order to become an effective and empathic therapist.” (p. 41)
  • “The therapeutic relationship is a complex and dynamic process, in which the analyst’s emotional reactions to the patient can be used to further the therapeutic goals.” (p. 58)
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