
Prenatal Sciences Research Institute SOPHIA

From Academia to The Community of Professionals



"Prenatal Psychology is an interdisciplinary scientific field… the practice of which attempts to integrate different disciplines with the basic questions of life and its challenges. Emphasis is placed on the interdisciplinary character, which enables different scientific specialties such as medicine, psychology, psychoanalysis, anthropology, human ethology, sociology, philosophy and others to meet (for) … a mutually creative interaction or cross fertilization (P.F. Freybergh, 2021)

The Prenatal Sciences Research Institute is a Non-Profit Organization which aims to connect the Academia with the Community. For longer than a decade now, we have been involved in research in our effort to explore the ways our Primal Experience affects our health, our relationships and our behaviors as individuals but also as collective entities.

100 years have already passed since the 1st pioneers in the field started speaking about the connection between the birth trauma and now. During these 100 years more scientists and clinicians have added to this understanding.

Today, we know that the quality of our present life is linked to the quality of our primal life. And, certainly, although we have learned more, there is a lot more to discover. As the complexity reveals more and more of the universal laws and as technology allows more of the unseen to be studied, we come up with new findings to update our initial understanding of the human experience on earth.

The Prenatal Sciences Research Institute S.O.P.H.I.A. is involved in, but not limited to, scientific research: It applies documented knowledge to practice and converts it into educational material that refers to all groups of people, children, pregnant couples, professionals and other researchers, and to actions intended to raise awareness, to heal or to influence in a peaceful way the principles of acceptance, respect and recognition of the gifts each of us bring to this world.

our vision

Prenatal Sciences Research Institute SOPHIA has a triple mission:
1. Do Research in Prenatal Sciences and the Beginnings of Life,
2. Educate Professionals Designing and Offering high Quality Specialization Training in Prenatal Sciences,
3. Connect the Academia with the Community.


  • The whole spectrum of birth from conception to weaning touches the deepest level of the human soul and on all levels: biological, emotional, spiritual and cultural. Intrauterine life, childbirth and the first moments of human life are among the most fertile areas where we can discover the etiology of a wide variety of psychological and physical problems. In addition, depending on the way we have experienced love and care in the womb we also love and care for ourselves and others as we grow older.
  • Man is always an unbreakable unity, whatever his form. From zygote, morula, blastocyst, embryo, fetus, newborn, infant, child, adolescent, adult, elderly ... a human being is a continuous whole.
  • Each of us is not only the synthesis of our parents' genetic code but also the synthesis of the charged mental and emotional (e-DNA) patterns that our parents experience during the 9 months of pregnancy.
  • Many children are affected before they are born with adverse effects that could very easily be avoided. One of the most painful prenatal traumas is the child's existential rejection (unwanted pregnancy) or the child's partial rejection when the parental environment expresses personal preferences for the sex and attributes of the unborn child, overburdening the child, sometimes for life.
  • The unborn child has a very active part in her//his gestation. (S)he understands everything that happens in his parental environment and reacts to or responds to them. The interpretation (s)he gives to these stimuli and the decisions (s)he makes determine the quality of her/his life and the relationships (s)he creates with her/himself, others and / or the world afterwards.
  • The pain of the world as it comes to the family is transmitted to the child through the mother.
  • In the womb, the fetus constantly downloads growth information. When exposed to danger, (s)he will modify "instructions" and will trigger behavioral programs that will guarantee survival.
  • The communication of information between the unborn child and the maternal environment takes place at all levels and continuously.
  • When future parents take responsibility for the quality of their lives and commit themselves to developing and meeting their needs, they can respect the identity of the children who come to them and welcome them as members of the humanity with equal rights and a spirit of self-esteem.

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